When I look at the faces around this table ,
there are faces of pastors, of
hearts willing and able
to share a kind word with a mourning soul,
to listen for God’s Word for a world made whole.
When I look at the faces around this table,
are faces of prophets, of hearts willing and able
to think and to wonder about a great vision,
to work and to pray for God’s people and mission.
When I look at the faces around this table,
are faces of preachers, of hearts willing and able
to speak from a pulpit to people in pews
to go forth and to share that there is good news.
When I look at the faces around this table,
are faces of people willing and able
to be called children of God, to call others, too
to be for the world people true,
laugh, cry, cuss, and repent,
teach, learn, and are sent.
Written during Metro South Conference Meeting on 4/10/14.